I am Yunjia Zhang, a Ph.D. candidate majoring in Computer Sciences at Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI, US). Currently, I am in Database Group, under the supervision of Prof. Theodoros (Theo) Rekatsinas (currently at Apple) and Prof. Jignesh M. Patel (currently at CMU). I am also in strong collaboration with Microsoft GSL, and my mentor at GSL is Avrilia Floratou. I got my B.Eng in Computer Science at School of Computer Science, Wuhan University.

I have a broad interest in many topics in databases, especifically AI4DB. I am devoted to improving the data scientists’ pipeline, providing them with easier-to-use and faster-to-execute analytic tools. I am currently focusing on LLMs for databases and efficient query processing.

Office: 4360 @ CS Dept., 1201 W Dayton St, Madison, WI, United States, 53715

Email: yunjia [AT] cs.wisc.edu

Selected Publications

ReAcTable: Enhancing ReAct for Table Question Answering [pdf]
Yunjia Zhang, Jordan Henkel, Avrilia Floratou, Joyce Cahoon, Shaleen Deep, Jignesh M. Patel
VLDB 2024

GPTuner: A Manual-Reading Database Tuning System via GPT-Guided Bayesian Optimization [pdf]
Jiale Lao, Yibo Wang, Yufei Li, Jianping Wang, Yunjia Zhang, Zhiyuan Cheng, Wanghu Chen, Mingjie Tang, Jianguo Wang
VLDB 2024, Selected as SIGMOD Research Highlight

A Demonstration of GPTuner: A GPT-Based Manual-Reading Database Tuning System
Jiale Lao, Yibo Wang, Yufei Li, Jianping Wang, Yunjia Zhang, Zhiyuan Cheng, Wanghu Chen, Yuanchun Zhou, Mingjie Tang, Jianguo Wang
SIGMOD 2024 Demo

Simple Adaptive Query Processing vs. Learned Query Optimizers: Observations and Analysis [pdf] [code]
Yunjia Zhang, Yannis Chronis, Jignesh M. Patel, Theodoros Rekatsinas
VLDB 2023, Invited by VLDB Journal Special Issue: “Best of VLDB 2023”

Schema Matching using Pre-Trained Language Models [pdf]
Yunjia Zhang, Avrilia Floratou, Joyce Cahoon, Subru Krishnan, Andreas Mueller, Dalitso Banda, Fotis Psallidas, Jignesh M. Patel
ICDE 2023

Can Transfer Learning be Used to Build Query Optimizers [talk]
Yunjia Zhang, Yannis Chronis, Jignesh M. Patel, Theodoros Rekatsinas
CIDR 2022

A Statistical Perspective on Discovering Functional Dependencies in Noisy Data [pdf] [code]
Yunjia Zhang, Zhihan Guo, Theodoros Rekatsinas

Statistical Estimation of Diffusion Network Topologies [pdf] [slides]
Keqi Han, Yuan Tian, Yunjia Zhang, Ling Han, Hao Huang, Yunjun Gao
ICDE 2020
